Yes you can!
Intense exercise may cause your biosensor to loosen due to sweat or movement of the biosensor. If the biosensor is becoming loose or if the sensor tip is coming out of your skin, you may get no readings or unreliable low readings. Remove and replace your sensor if it starts to loosen and follow the instructions to select an appropriate application site. Do not attempt to reinsert the biosensor.
The biosensor is designed to be worn during activities such as bathing, showering, swimming, and exercise. However, it is advised not to take the biosensor below 1 meter of water (3 feet) and it should not be submerged in water for more than 30 minutes.
The adhesive used in the biosensor is specifically designed to keep the sensor securely and comfortably in place for up to 14 days.
This ensures that the sensor remains in position and provides accurate readings throughout the recommended usage period.